Prep your family vehicle for a safe winter commute.

Black ice, snow ruts and preparing for winter’s driving challenges.

Yesterday on my way to work I passed a neighbor spinning his wheels trying to get out of his driveway. The combination of sleet under 3 inches of loose packed snow made for slippery swamp that was giving his front wheel drive vehicle quite a runaround. 

It got me thinking of the winter driving precautions our family likes to take to keep our commutes safe. In addition to keeping the car stocked with a blanket and shovel, we also carry a set of tire traction mats. They’re often all we’ve needed to get our car out of a snowy parking place.

We also remind ourselves to factor in extra time for clearing the snow off the car, driving slower and being on the lookout for black ice. So many winter accidents happen because drivers forget to give themselves more time to stop at intersections. (#winter #driving #safety)

“Stay safe and unstuck by giving yourself plenty of extra time for slow going in the snow.”

As you head out in this chilly mix, we wish you a warm and safe winter commute and suggest you get a little refresher on how to ride out snow ruts with this article by our partners at Erie Insurance; “Snow Ruts: Winter’s Most Annoying Hazard

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